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Principles and Values

We have 10 principlesPrinciples and values.Values. These underpin all of the work we do and are the fundamental pieces around which our activism is formed! Just like with our demands, these are based of the principles and values from XR but have been adapted to better represent the views and needs of the XR Youth movement

1) We recognise the urgent need for societal change:

Creating a world that caters for the youth of today so that there can be those who come after us.

2) We know that our mission is necessary:

We are uncompromising in our aims, and understand the importance of success. Mobilising 3.5% of the youth population to achieve system change and using ideas such as "momentum-driven organising" to achieve this.

3) We need a regenerative culture:

Creating a culture which is healthy, resilient and adaptable whilst also avoiding burn-out and addressing mental health issues that can arise as a result of the climate crisis.

4) We openly challenge ourselves and this toxic system:

Leaving the comfort zone of denial to act for change.

5) We value reflecting and learning:

Following a cycle of action, reflection, learning and planning for more action. Learning from other movements and contexts as well as our own experience.

6) We welcome everyone and every part of everyone:

Working actively to create more equitable and safer spaces. Whilst we welcome all individuals, we do not welcome individuals or organisations that cause harm or inflict suffering on others.

7) We actively challenge power:

Promoting a truly representative voice of young people in a world built for and biased towards adults.

8) We avoid blaming and shaming:

We all live in a toxic system; no one is free of its bias and socialisation.

9) We are a non-violent network:

Using our non-violent strategy and recognising that non-violent tactics are the most effective way to bring about change.

10) We are based on self-organisation and responsibility:

Things will only happen if we make them happen individually and as collective groups of young people.

Anyone who follows these core principles and values can take action in the name of XR Youth.

Any activist found to breaking these principles and values may be asked to undergo a process of transformative justice or could be removed from XR Youth.