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>> What to do right now

1. Schedule a planning meeting.
Build on the momentum of The Big One. The first ‘Local Big One’ on September 30th can be a key date to mobilise people for. What issues or targets do you share with other local organising groups? Plan a local action.

2. Share the vision.
Connect with new recruits and former rebels in your area.

3. Plan your community engagement.
Map grassroots community and faith groups, and local chapters of national organisations in your area. Discover what the diverse communities in your area care about and connect with. The Big One taught us that it can be hard for supportive groups to cocreate the first action so keep making space for collaboration at the end of every month. Be flexible. Hold open meetings and decide details together. Identify where communities are already in resistance and invite them to unite, once a month. Unite to survive. This is the final countdown.

4. Reach out for support.
You are not alone. If you or your local group feels daunted, think of twinning with nearby groups or working as a region or nation.

5. Ask for a Regional Open Call.
These are a great way for local groups to meet, discuss regional issues, plan and collaborate on actions where local capacity is low.

6. Paint the Streets.
Use posters, flyers and flags and targeted nonviolent direct actions to increase visibility or to draw attention to your first community day of action (possibly September 30th and the last Saturday of every month after that).

7. Think about supporting community spaces.
Remember, art is powerful!


1. Focus on your community.
Find out what communities want and their key dates. Collaborate, adapt, don’t compete.

2. Think about food and make every element accessible.
Creating access to free food under capitalism is a revolutionary act that is easy for people to engage with.

3. Have a plan and a programme.
Give a platform to local voices and artists. Get artists involved early to help with planning and to involve their communities. Programming support coming.

4. Build lasting local alliances.

5. Run a community assembly.
Plan the next community action together.

6. Make change amd demand change.
Take action that highlights the need for change.

7. Invite your local media contacts to attend and use social media.
The new UK Media & Messaging team is also shifting focus to offer support to local groups, amplifying amazing actions and activities across the country. UK media campaigns designed to resonate locally and globally and help mobilise.

8. Think about fundraising to cover next month’s costs and to become more resilient.
There will be specific local fundraising support coming soon but signups to the XRUK Action Network via the XRUK website are vital to keep the movement moving.

9. Sign people up.
Keep inviting new people in with ways to be involved that suit someone willing to give days each week as well as a mother who can only spare minutes. There is no movement without admin and the people behind the scenes.

10. Stay connected and encourage self-organising.
Follow up with the communities and groups you have collaborated with. Tell everyone about the end of the next month and that their ideas to transform their communities are needed and supported. Make a friend. Have an idea. Design a thing. Do it.

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