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741 total results found

4. Training

Back Office Resources Guide to Arrestee & Legal Support [A&LS...

Training mainly comprises videos and documentation, supplemented by live sessions via Zoom. Written and other online resources This guide for Back Office Volunteers [BOVs] and Police Station Support Coordinators [PSSCs] Custody Call guidelines (for BOVs) ...

5. Security and Data Protection

Back Office Resources Guide to Arrestee & Legal Support [A&LS...

Volunteers are handling sensitive personal information and are required to confirm that they understand their responsibilities under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This is done by reading and signing XR’s online Volunteer Agreement. Please s...

6. ArrestWatch

Back Office Resources Guide to Arrestee & Legal Support [A&LS...

This is the database used during and after an action to record information about arrestees, legal observers, and calls associated with the action. Information can be entered manually or, in the case of an arrest or release, via an online form. Trainees can p...

7. Back Office Volunteer (BOV)

Back Office Resources Guide to Arrestee & Legal Support [A&LS...

The BOV role: involves taking phone calls via 3CX, an online software-based private branch exchange phone system. Below is a screenshot where one person was searched for from a list of potential volunteers. For security purposes we could not show the full scr...

8. Police Station Support Coordinator (PSSC)

Back Office Resources Guide to Arrestee & Legal Support [A&LS...

PSSCs ensure arrested rebels are met on release by Police Station Supporters (PSSs), by creating a rota for supporters and offering them advice and information. Liaison with PSSs takes place via WhatsApp or Signal groups, and occasionally by phone. Arrestees...

Summary of Key Links

Back Office Resources Guide to Arrestee & Legal Support [A&LS...

Software ArrestWatch Arrest report: Release report: Back Office: ArrestWatch playground Arrest report: Release rep...

XRUK Strategy 2023-24

XRUK Strategy 2023-24

Here Comes Everyone Pour a brew, get comfy and delve into the XRUK Strategy 2023-24. Read it here ...

Strategy Open Call

XRUK Strategy 2023-24

Slides and recording View the recording on Youtube View the slides here Go back to XRUK Strategy 2023-24 Main Menu

XR UK SOS — Constitution, Roles, Processes & Policies

XR UK Constitution guides and resources

Constitution A. Introduction B. Basic Principles C. The Self-Organising System XR UK Organism Roles Within A Circle Sub-circles Policies & Domains Choosing Role-Holders Joining A Circle & Asking People To Leave How To Make Decisions Meetin...

Integrative Election Process for Roles in XR UK

XR UK Constitution guides and resources Constitution resources

[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.5).] 1. Discuss the role The facilitator makes space for questions. Explain the purpose, domains and accountabilities where necessary. This may include, for example, what led to the cre...

Local Group Resources

XRUK Strategy 2023-24

Rebel in a hurry? Grab the shorter Local Group Stategy briefing here. Go back to XRUK Strategy 2023-24 Main Menu

The Advice Process

XR UK Constitution guides and resources Constitution resources

[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.7).] The Advice Process can be practised in many ways, but they share a common factor, which is that anyone can make any decision within the mandate of their role after seeking advice fr...

Considered Majority Vote for Roles in XR UK

XR UK Constitution guides and resources Constitution resources

[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.5).] The steps in the process are:- The facilitator reads out the mandate of the role. The term of the appointment is agreed by the team (normally 3 or 6 months). Anyone w...

Additional Learning

Choosing Our Future With Community Asse...

More Resources To learn more about assemblies happening all round the world, the XR Local Group Support Pack contains a list of website and video links to grassroots organisations doing deliberative democracy in their way... It's truly inspirational... Here's...

Objection testing

XR UK Constitution guides and resources Constitution resources

[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.7).] When a proposal is brought using the Integrative Decision Making process, the facilitator asks each member of the team if they have any objection. If there is an objection, the fac...

Dirty Water - Art & Design Assets

Dirty Water Campaign Resources

You can find all the Dirty Water assets for the different Waves here

Questions and Answers

Choosing Our Future With Community Asse...

The Community Assembly Working Group wants to ensure that we all learn from each other. When questions are asked at Open Call meetings, or at training sessions, we will bring them here and try to answer them as best we can, broken down by theme. Meantime, we...

What is Rebel Ringing?

Rebel Ringers Handbook Introduction to Rebel Ringing

Rebel Ringing is a simple phone call to another rebel, using a script, to invite them to connect with the Rebellion in some way. Rebel Ringing is all about our personal touch. It's a lovely way for rebels to keep in touch with the wider movement via real h...

Getting started as a Rebel Ringer

Rebel Ringers Handbook Introduction to Rebel Ringing

Rebel Ringing Training We host a training and drop-in session most weeks (these have been paused since the Big One, but watch the Telegram Announcements channel and other key comms for updates!) We encourage you to come along to at least one drop-in, so th...

Guide to using CallHub

Rebel Ringers Handbook Introduction to Rebel Ringing

When you log into CallHub, you'll see a list of available campaigns (if any) as in the screenshot above. The user name in the top right has been blacked out. When you click the 'Resume' button on a campaign, it will show you the campaign's script; you then ...