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100 Days

The Big Guide to The Big One!

The climate, nature and humanity face disaster. We know it’s time to act.
Do you trust politicians to do the right thing for us? For the planet?

Gathering day after day in large numbers at the Nations’ seat of power - means XR can leave the locks, glue and paint behind and instead invite others to unite to survive in peaceful protest - creating a critical mass of people and a moment that’s impossible to ignore.

If politicians aren’t willing to put in the hard graft to turn things around, then we will. It’s time we choose our future.

This 'book' is a constant work-in-progress and resources become available and plans evolve.


What is the plan? and some key links ...

Collective Demand

Demand for The Big One PARLIAMENT SQUARE, 21-24 APRIL 2023 ...

The Big One ~ Patchworks London

An amazing community event space open for use every day from 17th-28th April. This is the ...

The Big One 21-24 April

What's the plan? ...


How to contribute to The Big One ...

Support Pack

Alliance Building, Outreach tools, Local Group support, Rebel Ringing guidance ...

Design Assets

Logos, flyers, posters, assets, design tools - everything you need. ...

Open Calls

###Recent UK Open Calls ...

Countdown Actions

Actions planned in the run up to April 21st ...

Transport and Accommodation

Quiet Camp, Indoor Accommodation, Human Hotel and Transport! ...

Inclusion and Accessibility

Disabled, Neurodivergent D/deaf Rebels, You may feel overwhelmed regarding how you will manage w...

Production and Logistics

Sound & Power, Logistics, Sustenance - and the loos! ...

What about the Marathon and the Police?

The Big One aims to be as inclusive and accessible as possible. ...

Countdown to The Big One

Calendar of 100 Days ...

Talks, Training and Workshops

Help deliver our programme, before and / or during The Big One at our amazing indoor venue Patchw...

Paint The Streets

Let’s get out there and promote The Big One! It’s time to cover the streets with posters - on...

Good Vibes

The Good Vibes Crew ...

COVID advice

Members of Health for XR have produced this advice for people who are at higher risk of severe c...

Appendix - Old Info

Info no longer required for the campaign, but should still be accessible

The Big Debrief

You told us what you thought, and we listened ...