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Good Vibes

The Good Vibes Crew

Brought through the teachings of indigenous and western Elders, this is a gentle, yet powerful opportunity to experience crew participation at your own pace.

Together we will:

  • ensure the action space is co-held by as many folk as possible
  • create rippling vibes and amplify our collective power
  • enable each other to participate fullheartedly and feel safe enough to share views, talents and energy
  • provide support to our awesome Action Support crews!

We aim to seed ‘ways of being’ at The Big One that will grow through us - into the futures of all beings.

Discover more and choose a Connector role at Good Vibes - Connecting Each Other

Watch the Good Vibes Crew Intro video

Join the Good Vibes Crew Telegram Broadcast

Don’t be a bystander – become a participant!

XRUK Regenerative Cultures