Rebellion is a powerful and beautiful time. We’ve shown the world our desire for change and we’ve brought new energy into our movement. Our new recruits need welcoming, yet we also need to rest.
This handbook is designed to help us do both. We can look after ourselves and each other, and also ensure that our new rebels are helped to find their way. The handbook is divided into three sections:
Looking Back, Right Now, and Looking Forward.
Each section represents a necessary post rebellion time to work through. Take as much time as you need for each of these stages, both individually and as a group. There is no need to move
on until you feel ready."
Looking Back
Over the past weeks we have shouted, we have sung, we have cried and we have made our voices hear...
As the movement grows, it is important that we learn from our achievements and our mistakes. A d...
Relationships and Solidarity
During rebellion, we may step on toes, upset or offend during our actions. After rebellion, there...
Clean Up
Rebellion is always messy, with people leaving their belongings in “safe” places only to find the...
Right Now
At the end of rebellion, we are welcoming our rebels home with care and support for each other an...
Looking After Your Rebels
As events of an action or series of actions settle, we normally make time to come together for c...
Welcoming New Rebels
When welcoming new rebels there are several key things that help do: • Plan – Have a plan for s...
Getting New Rebels Involved
Event organisation Offline events We have had plenty of feedback from local rebels saying that ...
Looking Forward
When rebels and groups begin to once again grow their energy after rebellion, the next steps are ...
Connections & Forging new Relationships
The strength of any community depends on good relationships built on trust, cooperation, caring a...
Hopes & Dreams XR principle and value number one declares that we have a shared vision for c...
Ongoing Rebellion
We recognise that although some rebels will need to rest and recuperate after a large Rebellion o...