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What risks can an XR Circle expect?

Risks come from absolutely anywhere! They can be related to finances, legal, reputation, technical matters, compliance, security, fraud, or human resource risks.

Risks are where things might not go to plan, and there is an impact on achieving specific objectives.

Here are some examples of possible risks for XR circles - there arecan be many others!

  • Another group acting in the name of XR does something disreputable, causing loss of funding, loss of rebels, and less ability to get our demands met.
  • A large and complex action needs to be quickly cancelled because of Covid-19, but how to cancel hadn’t been thought through, communications are difficult and slow and people still attend.
  • Strong evidence that XR lacks inclusivity is leaked to the press, causing reputational damage
  • Unmanaged disagreements about the purpose or intentions of XR cause damage the movement
  • A critical circle resource is unexpectedly unavailable for a period of time
  • A previous member of an XR circle takes legal action, citing that XR negligence has caused them harm
  • A member of the public or an organisation is adversely impacted by an XR public action and decides to take legal action against the directors of Compassionate Revolution Ltd (the legal entity that manages XR’s finances and accounts), causing financial and reputational loss if

Could any of these apply to your circle?