Recently Updated Pages
Media and Messaging Links
The Global Media Library and Archive is used to store and share art as well as designs and photos...
Principles and Values
We have 10 Principles and Values. These underpin all of the work we do and are the fundamental pi...
Just like XR, XR Youth also has 3 demands. The XR Youth demands are based off XR's however have m...
How old do I have to be?
XR Youth consists of those born in the last 30 years, all of whom are part of a generation that h...
XR Youth began in February 2019, out of a need to create a platform within XR and the wider world...
Making Forms with Cryptpad
This page shows you how to make a customised form to collect data, using our secure, hosted versi...
Power & Privilege
"Without community, there is no liberation.” Audre Lorde Introduction What & why? The con...
Why use community assemblies? Assemblies build community by enabling communication and collabora...
How to Hold a Listening Space
Introduction A Circle is a wonderfully versatile held-space which allows us to communicate with ...
Security Risks of Burnout [Draft]
Is Your Communications Workload Adding to Your Burnout? Is that affecting how powerful we are? ...
Mattermost Moderation
What is Moderation, why do we need it and who does it? These questions arise with any open chat s...
When to use the Forums instead of Mattermost
What is the difference between chat and discussion? Chat (Mattermost) and discussion (Forums) ar...
Library (UK Cloud)
What is it? The Library is a shared read-only area for all Rebels on UK Cloud. You can view and ...
Privacy and Security
How private is your data on the XR communication services? Data on our new services is held in a...
Giving someone admin access
The following instructions are aimed at people that are already admins (and have the permission l...
Can I migrate my email list to Action Network?
First off, make sure the Action Network Data Team (the team responsible for administrating XR’s A...
Street Outreach During the Rebellion and at Actions
When Nonviolent Civil Disobedience has been most effective, it has taken place on a foundation o...
Outreach Hubs
An Outreach Hub is a pop-up tent where you can find Extinction Rebellion (XR) info and support, m...
Information on how to find new rebels by different types of outreach are on other pages in the To...
Tabling / Stalling Method (from Portland, Oregon)
Canvass - Won’t be the same everywhere Los Angeles vs Portland Pandemic vs no pandemic....