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741 total results found

Role Tenure

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Group Admin Guides

How to update role tenure, so you no longer get 'tenure expired' messages Your Group Admin can set an Until date for each person assigned to a role, which is the date their holding of that role will be reviewed (the role tenure). This allows people assigned t...

SOS Facilities on the Hub

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Group Admin Guides

This section describes how the Hub helps to implement the principles of Self-Organising Systems within XR UK. We'll show how the External Coordinator Role in a group, or circle, can be linked to a Representative Role in the parent group, or supercircle. We'll ...

What do DDAT do?

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Extra Information

Digital Discussions Applications Team Click on any images to access the service, mouseover to see contact details. The Rebel view Arrest Watch Behind the scenes Other services not supported by DDAT

Meeting Links - back up advice ...

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Extra Information

Find Meeting Links when Mattermost is down Usually, you will find useful information, like zoom meeting URLs and meeting agenda links, in the Header of your Hub Group's Mattermost channel. But, what to do if the Mattermost Server goes down - just before your ...

Placeholder Hub Groups

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Group Admin Guides

Placeholder Groups represent groups who do not use the Hub, so that they appear in the Hub Circles diagram and can store their public-facing contact information. Creating a Placeholder Group Only people with Group Admin of All Groups permission (or above) ca...

Planning & Stewarding a March


Preparation What is the purpose of the March? Plan the route. Recce at similar time of day and day of the week. Take photos of junctions so that roadtake teams can plan. Consider alternatives in case you need to shorten or lengthen the route depending...

Good Vibes

100 Days

The Good Vibes Crew Brought through the teachings of indigenous and western Elders, this is a gentle, yet powerful opportunity to experience crew participation at your own pace...

Collective Demand

100 Days

Demand for The Big One PARLIAMENT SQUARE, 21-24 APRIL 2023 Extinction Rebellion and new allies from leading environmental and social justice groups delivered two fresh deman...

How to Change Your Login Name [Handle]

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... User Guides

If you want a different login name [known as your Handle on Mattermost], you need to change this on the Hub. n.b Please be aware that if you change your Login name, this will re-create your Cloud account. If anyone has shared files and/or folders with...

[Under Construction] Paint the Streets | The Info Pack

Paint The Streets Paint The Streets - Info Pack

This chapter is under construction - please use the live Paint the Streets doc in the meantime THE INFO PACK This document contains advice for groups taking part in XR’s Paint The Streets: murals, stickering, flyposting, stencilling, chalking, banner drop ...

Public Order Act

Informed Dissent Resources

Legal Briefing Information correct as of 13 May 2023. This is not designed to replace legal advice regarding particular actions. Watch the Recording Click >>>here&lt...

Leaflets, posters etc

Paint The Streets

To find posters, leaflets etc visit the UK website Art Group Here

Mic Check


What is Mic Check It is a method to communicate with a large crowd without a PA system or megaphones How does it work if you hear someone shouting "MIC CHECK", also say "mic check* loudly, until everyone is quiet (or you can use the raised hand gesture to...

Getting the best out of links

Action Network for XR Writing and Sending Emails on Action Ne...

***page currently under construction Links are central to your use of e-mail - they might send readers to places they can find out more about the subject of your e-mail or be part of a call to action - asking readers to join groups and so on. Links come in t...

Why Run Community Assemblies?

Choosing Our Future With Community Asse...

Thanks to The Big One, many of our supporter organisations signed up to a demand for citizens' assemblies for the first time ever. We did our shouting outside Parliament. We handed in green cards to speak to our MPs. We pressurised them online via our Digit...


Choosing Our Future With Community Asse...

Local Group Pack Why run an assembly What to think about before launching your assembly What training and support is available Support Form Fill in this form to let us know that you are running a Community Assembly. It contains questions to help Gar...

Social Media and Flyer Design Templates

Choosing Our Future With Community Asse...

All the designs and templates you could want coming soon!

1. Functions of A&LS Back Office

Back Office Resources Guide to Arrestee & Legal Support [A&LS...

The main functions are to: Compile and maintain a record of arrestees during an action Arrange for supporters at police stations to which arrestees have been taken Respond to phone calls to Back Office, mainly from: people reporting arrests; ...

2. Structure of Back Office

Back Office Resources Guide to Arrestee & Legal Support [A&LS...

During an Action A&LS Back Office (A&LS BO) is staffed by volunteers under the supervision of members of the Arrestee & Legal Support (A&LS) Back Office (BO) team. These are the main volunteer roles: Back Office Coordinator (BOC) Back Off...

3. Recruitment

Back Office Resources Guide to Arrestee & Legal Support [A&LS...

Recruitment is usually carried out intermittently, but particularly is associated with mass actions. Roles will be advertised widely, using XR’s communication channels. No experience is necessary, though some familiarity with XR’s arrestee support systems ...