1. Personal Processing
Personal processing is about taking time to connect with ourselves – to reflect on who we are, how we act, and how we relate to others and the world around us. Using a range of activities, this module seeks to provide opportunities to better understand ourselves by thinking about our identity, our relationship to society, our learnt biases, and our needs.
Why Personal Processing? Before working to transform our local communities and connecting with o...
Deep Reflection: Understanding Ourselves and Understanding Others
The activities outlined below have all been selected to help initiate a process of self-reflectio...
What Happens In Our Brain When Our Views Are Challenged?
Everyone has had a conversation with someone who shares distinctly different views and has left i...
Power & Privilege
"Without community, there is no liberation.” Audre Lorde Introduction What & why? The con...
Reflecting on Identity Privilege
If you’ve moved in any social justice circles, or even if you haven’t, you’ve probably come acros...
Personal Visioning
The visioning process helps you to connect with your strengths, your values and what it is you wa...
Building Courage
Courage is a sense of inner strength that enables you to persevere, despite fear or difficulty; i...
Understanding Emotions
Having emotions is one of the things that makes us human, although the extent to which people adm...
Active Listening
What is Active Listening? Active listening is the process of concentrating on listening to what ...