2. Group Support
Group support is focused on enabling people to work with others in a supportive and empathetic way, and on creating group cultures which allow everyone to thrive, provide the emotional support that people need, and give people the skills to deal with conflict constructively.
What is group support? This module is focused on enabling people to work with others in a suppor...
Personal Reflections on Working in Teams
Working with others can be a magical, transformative and inspiring experience; it can help us rea...
Getting to Know One Another
If your group is new and you’re going to spend some weeks or longer working together, then spend ...
Tips on How to Give and Receive Feedback
Being able to give and to receive feedback is important when working with others, when building r...
A Quick Guide to Holding Effective Meetings
Running meetings that keep to time, enable constructive discussion and give everyone an opportuni...
Building Healthy & Empowered Teams
Introduction This workshop and guide were developed because “there's no such thing as a structur...
How to deal with conflict in your groups
Every group and relationship experiences conflict, regardless of whether we are trying to bring a...
Holding Emotional Spaces
It is important to welcome emotions in your group. Reaching out to people in your communities and...
Reflecting on and Tending Grief
Within the ancient tradition of Yoga, it is taught that humans carry trauma buried under deep lay...
Listening Circles: Supporting Grief Online
The challenges of our current times are revealing an uncomfortable and ever-present companion muc...
Making a Strong Working Group
Aim: to make life easier and less stressful for coordinators. For working groups to grow and do m...