3. Engaging Communities
Engaging communities involves putting energy into understanding who is in your area, what their needs might be, and how you and local networks could support them. It is the act of reaching out to people, be they similar or different, of building connections and of creating trust.
Why do we need to focus on engaging Communities like this? Building stronger social ties with ou...
Mapping Out Your Community
Before we engage in community work, it can be really useful to think about our relationships and ...
Engaging Diverse Communities
SOLIDARITY GUIDELINES Solidarity is a collaboration where both parties are working towards share...
How to Deal with Conflict when Engaging with Strangers
Use this guide to understand both what you can do to avoid situations of conflict arising and wha...
Door-to-door Listening
Why Door-to-door Listening? Door-to-door listening can be an incredibly powerful community-build...
Practical Steps To Community Engagement During Lockdown
This guide offers ideas on how to both reach out to community members during lockdown, and on how...
Resources for Reaching Out to Others in Your Community
Deep Hanging Out The point of this guide is to frame an attitude to engaging different communiti...
Games to Connect
Taken from Science of People article What is an Icebreaker? An icebreaker is an activity, event...