UK List sign ups
For big rebellions (e.g. in London) there are many opportunities for outreach and the usual ask is for people to join the UK email list.
The best link to use is the UK website itself as it has two options for sign ups.
There is the 'what next' form or to 'sign up for news'
Both these routes end in a UK list sign up, but with their choice of entry and commitment noted.
In this folder - you can find
- GDPR compliant paper sign up forms
- a poster to put on the back of clipboards that points to the UK website.
Usually at a London rebellion the clipboards will be delivered to Outreach hubs and collected at the end of the day so that the data can be entered. It is very important to write the information VERY neatly and clearly as someone else will have to read your handwriting. This is perferable to the public writing their own information as names/emails are very likely to be written in haste and therefore illegible.
Info for Outreach Teams for big events with 100s of sign ups
If you are part of a big event/rebellion then there is a pop-up working data entry group available to help, with a GDPR safe system in place to process all these paper form. Please contact the Action Network Data Team if you require this 'service' ! Any big event should have an Outreach team attached, so they can also provide a link to this system.
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